God's mission is carried out through a priesthood of all believers. As Lutherans, we believe that church leadership is shared between our staff and lay leaders.
- St John’s dedicated and active staff includes an interim pastor, Director of Music, Director of Faith Formation, Church Administrator, and Sexton.
- Equally important is the lay leadership, providing oversight over worship and music, evangelism, outreach, congregational care, learning, property, finance, stewardship, communications and mutual ministry.
StaffOur staff provides the spiritual and the day-to-day leadership of St. John's. They are central to the mission of our congregation.
Rev. Jennifer Roberts, Pastor![]() The Rev. Jennifer Roberts was born and raised in East Tennessee where she learned to love Jesus and sweet tea, growing up in the Southern Baptist tradition. At the age of 12 she felt the Spirit begin to call her to ministry and in college discovered the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She received her Bachelors of Science in Human Development and Learning from East Tennessee State University and went on to teach fourth grade while also completing a Masters in Education Degree from Tusculum University. Still sensing a call to ministry, she followed the Spirit to seminary at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, South Carolina where she earned her Master of Divinity. Pastor Jennifer finds a lot of joy in offering congregational care, teaching Bible study, asking really tough questions, and reminding people God loves them. In her spare time she enjoys painting, reading, swimming, and spending time with loved ones. Pastor Jennifer is married to the Rev. Ashton Roberts and they have a son, Zion and a dog, Hank.
Julie Van Ooyen Strecker - Faith Formation Director![]() Apart from the part-time role of Director of Faith Formation at St. John’s, Julie works full-time in higher education administration. Her educational background is in Educational Leadership, Teaching English as a Second Language, and intercultural studies, and she has several years of experience as a classroom teacher. Julie is committed to engaging with the St. John’s community through spiritual practices, forming respectful relationships, and providing opportunities for guided learning and faith-filled service.
Glen Eckman, Church AdministratorClyde Payton, SextonClyde Payton has been the part-time Sexton at St. John's since 1998. His primary role is to keep the sanctuary and mansion clean and prepared for worship and the other activities that take place during the week. He also works as a cosmetologist and a musician. Clyde characterizes St. John's as someplace special because of the friendly and caring people who work and worship in this house of God. In his spare time, he enjoys playing in his band and having fun with family.
Church CouncilSt. John's Church Council, comprising the pastors, the congregation President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, ministry chairs and at-large members, serves as the governing body of the congregation. The Council meets on the fourth Thursday of the month; all are welcome to attend.
![]() President
Ian McFarland ![]() Vice President
Alcuin Johnson ![]() Secretary
Sarah Mauldin The secretary is responsible for taking the minutes at each council meeting and for taking notes at other official functions. Outreach
Bernie Wackenhut Community service is an integral piece of St. John's identity and mission. Our outreach team organizes and conducts numerous service activities throughout the year and helps support other nonprofit organizations. ![]() Learning
Jonathan Huber Theological education is a key part of spiritual formation for all ages. Learning ministry is responsible for planning, coordinating, and conducting Learning Hour (Sunday school) activities and other educational events. Treasurer
Karen Flowers The treasurer reports to finance on income and spending, and is responsible for making sure payments and salaries are made. ![]() Finance
Paul Arne Finance ministry is responsible for tracking income and expenditures for the ministry of the whole church. This important work involves the crafting of an annual budget and creating forecasts based on donations and spending. Financial Secretary
(vacant) ![]() Property
Doug Robinson With a 100-year old building, you can bet property is a fully-engaging ministry! The team helps maintain the grounds and keeps our building sustainable.
Vacant The "E-team" is charged with inviting our neighbors to share in God’s love, welcoming new guests, and initiating new members. They also work to increase our presence in the community. ![]() Congregational Care
Adrienne Mather This team focuses on providing support and care for members of the congregation. This support includes meal trains, visitation, prayer chains, and celebrating the lives and personal ministries of our members. ![]() Communications
Jennifer Lee The Communications Ministry reaches the congregation and our communities through media in order to inform, inspire, and invite connection in the life and mission of the Church. Through printed newsletters, bulletins, weekly email blasts, our website, blog, and other media, we help to keep everyone up-to-date on events and encourage participation. We often partner with other ministry teams, providing fundamental support to their efforts by facilitating effective communication. ![]() Worship + Music
Kathy Williams The Worship & Music Ministry Team is responsible for planning and coordination, in consultation with the pastors, all congregational worship events including special services throughout the church year. The team also provides for the proper care, use and maintenance of the communion ware, the altar furnishings and vestments. The team is responsible for recruiting, supervising and providing training for the lay worship assistants. ![]() At-Large Council Member
Russell Folks ![]() At-Large Council Member
Miranda Williams Youth Representative
Vacant |